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ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Moulay Tahar Lamchich” ,找到相关结果约403条。
ANN Current Controller Based on PI-Fuzzy Adaptive System for Shunt Power Active Filter
Moulay Tahar Lamchich
Advances in Power Electronics , 2012, DOI: 10.1155/2012/237259
Abstract: This paper deals with the use of triphase shunt active filter which is able to compensate current harmonics, reactive power, and current unbalance produced by nonlinear loads. To perform the identification of disturbing currents, a very simple control method is introduced. It’s formed by a DC voltage regulator and a balance between the average power of load and the active power supplied by the grid. The output current of the voltage source inverter (VSI) must track the reference current. This is done by a neural controller based on a PI-Fuzzy adaptive system as reference corrector. Also to regulate the DC link capacitor voltage a fuzzy logic adaptive PI controller is used. 1. Introduction Due to the increased use of nonlinear electrical loads, such as power electronics supplies, harmonics currents are generated in the level of these loads and injected back to the grid causing its voltage distortion at harmonics currents’ frequencies. The distorted voltage generates distorted currents which will be absorbed by sensitive loads and causing losses in the lines. Also, the most consuming electrical power loads are almost inductive, and then they contribute to the degradation of grid power factor at the point of common connection (PCC). Conventionally, passive filters were adopted for the reduction of harmonics and to improve power factor; therefore, they have the disadvantages such as fixed frequency compensation, resonance, and large size. These limitations were avoided by the use of active filters which utilized a switch-mode power electronic converter to supply harmonic currents equal to those in the load currents. The main objective of the power active filter (PAF) is to compensate reactive power, current harmonics, neutral current, and unbalancing of nonlinear loads by injecting compensating currents. Almost, the method-based instantaneous active and reactive power (pq method) [1] is currently performed for disturbing current identification. The major disadvantages of a bloc identification-based pq method are essentially as follows:(i)it is not effective under distorted and unbalanced mains voltages conditions;(ii)the time delays introduced by pass filters, which are used to separate the average and oscillating parts of powers, degrades the dynamic performance of active filter;(iii) this method requires more computational calculation. The controller of the PAF is comprised of an inner current loop which actively shapes the line currents and an outer voltage control loop which regulates the magnitude of the line currents. This paper presents the
Foliated group actions and cyclic cohomology
Moulay-Tahar Benameur
Mathematics , 2000,
Abstract: We prove a cyclic Lefschetz formula for foliations. To this end, we define a notion of equivariant cyclic cohomology and show that its expected pairing with K-theory is well defined. This enables to associate to any invariant transverse current on a compact foliated manifold, a Lefschetz formula for leafwise preserving isometries.
Spectral sections, twisted rho invariants and positive scalar curvature
Moulay Tahar Benameur,Varghese Mathai
Mathematics , 2013, DOI: 10.4171/JNCG/209
Abstract: We had previously defined the rho invariant $\rho_{spin}(Y,E,H, g)$ for the twisted Dirac operator $\not\partial^E_H$ on a closed odd dimensional Riemannian spin manifold $(Y, g)$, acting on sections of a flat hermitian vector bundle $E$ over $Y$, where $H = \sum i^{j+1} H_{2j+1} $ is an odd-degree differential form on $Y$ and $H_{2j+1}$ is a real-valued differential form of degree ${2j+1}$. Here we show that it is a conformal invariant of the pair $(H, g)$. In this paper we express the defect integer $\rho_{spin}(Y,E,H, g) - \rho_{spin}(Y,E, g)$ in terms of spectral flows and prove that $\rho_{spin}(Y,E,H, g)\in \mathbb Q$, whenever $g$ is a Riemannian metric of positive scalar curvature. In addition, if the maximal Baum-Connes conjecture holds for $\pi_1(Y)$ (which is assumed to be torsion-free), then we show that $\rho_{spin}(Y,E,H, rg) =0$ for all $r\gg 0$, significantly generalizing our earlier results. These results are proved using the Bismut-Weitzenb\"ock formula, a scaling trick, the technique of noncommutative spectral sections, and the Higson-Roe approach.
Index type invariants for twisted signature complexes and homotopy invariance
Moulay Tahar Benameur,Varghese Mathai
Mathematics , 2012, DOI: 10.1017/S030500411400005X
Abstract: For a closed, oriented, odd dimensional manifold $X$, we define the rho invariant $\rho(X,E,H)$ for the twisted odd signature operator valued in a flat hermitian vector bundle $E$, where $H = \sum i^{j+1} H_{2j+1}$ is an odd-degree closed differential form on $X$ and $H_{2j+1}$ is a real-valued differential form of degree ${2j+1}$. We show that the twisted rho invariant $\rho(X,E,H)$ is independent of the choice of metrics on $X$ and $E$ and of the representative $H$ in the cohomology class $[H]$. We establish some basic functorial properties of the twisted rho invariant. We express the twisted eta invariant in terms of spectral flow and the usual eta invariant. In particular, we get a simple expression for it on closed oriented 3-dimensional manifolds with a degree three flux form. A core technique used is our analogue of the Atiyah-Patodi-Singer theorem, which we establish for the twisted signature operator on a compact, oriented manifold with boundary. The homotopy invariance of the rho invariant $\rho(X,E,H)$ is more delicate to establish, and is settled under further hypotheses on the fundamental group of $X$.
Gap-labelling conjecture with nonzero magnetic field
Moulay Tahar Benameur,Varghese Mathai
Mathematics , 2015,
Abstract: Given a constant magnetic field on Euclidean space ${\mathbb R}^p$ determined by a skew-symmetric $(p\times p)$ matrix $\Theta$, and a ${\mathbb Z}^p$-invariant probability measure $\mu$ on the disorder set $\Sigma$, we conjecture that the corresponding Integrated Density of States of any self-adjoint operator affiliated to the twisted crossed product algebra $C(\Sigma) \rtimes_\sigma {\mathbb Z}^p$ takes on values on spectral gaps in an explicit ${\mathbb Z}$-module involving Pfaffians of $\Theta$ and its sub-matrices that we describe, where $\sigma$ is the multiplier on ${\mathbb Z}^p$ associated to $\Theta$.
The Twisted Higher Harmonic Signature for Foliations
Moulay-Tahar Benameur,James L. Heitsch
Mathematics , 2007,
Abstract: We prove that the higher harmonic signature of an even dimensional oriented Riemannian foliation of a compact Riemannian manifold with coefficients in a leafwise U(p,q)-flat complex bundle is a leafwise homotopy invariant. We also prove the leafwise homotopy invariance of the twisted higher Betti classes. Consequences for the Novikov conjecture for foliations and for groups are investigated. Replaces The Higher Harmonic Signature for Foliations I: The Untwisted Case, and contains significant improvements.
Higher spectral flow and an entire bivariant JLO cocycle
Moulay-Tahar Benameur,Alan L. Carey
Mathematics , 2011,
Abstract: Given a smooth fibration of closed manifolds and a family of generalised Dirac operators along the fibers, we define an associated bivariant JLO cocycle. We then prove that, for any $\ell \geq 0$, our bivariant JLO cocycle is entire when we endow smoooth functions on the total manifold with the $C^{\ell+1}$ topology and functions on the base manifold with the $C^\ell$ topology. As a by-product of our theorem, we deduce that the bivariant JLO cocycle is entire for the Fr\'echet smooth topologies. We then prove that our JLO bivariant cocycle computes the Chern character of the Dai-Zhang higher spectral flow.
Conformal invariants of twisted Dirac operators and positive scalar curvature
Moulay-Tahar Benameur,Varghese Mathai
Mathematics , 2012, DOI: 10.1016/j.geomphys.2013.03.010
Abstract: For a closed, spin, odd dimensional Riemannian manifold $(Y,g)$, we define the rho invariant $\rho_{spin}(Y,E,H, g)$ for the twisted Dirac operator $D^E_H$ on $Y$, acting on sections of a flat hermitian vector bundle $E$ over $Y$, where $H = \sum i^{j+1} H_{2j+1}$ is an odd-degree closed differential form on $Y$ and $H_{2j+1}$ is a real-valued differential form of degree ${2j+1}$. We prove that it only depends on the conformal class of the pair $[H,g]$. In the special case when $H$ is a closed 3-form, we use a Lichnerowicz-Weitzenbock formula for the square of the twisted Dirac operator, to show that whenever $Y$ is a closed spin manifold, then $\rho_{spin}(Y,E,H, g)= \rho_{spin}(Y,E, g)$ for all $|H|$ small enough, whenever g is a Riemannian metric of positive scalar curvature. When $H$ is a top-degree form on an oriented three dimensional manifold, we also compute $\rho_{spin}(Y,E,H, g)$.
Index, eta and rho-invariants on foliated bundles
Moulay-Tahar Benameur,Paolo Piazza
Mathematics , 2008,
Abstract: We study primary and secondary invariants of leafwise Dirac operators on foliated bundles. Given such an operator, we begin by considering the associated regular self-adjoint operator $D_m$ on the maximal Connes-Skandalis Hilbert module and explain how the functional calculus of $D_m$ encodes both the leafwise calculus and the monodromy calculus in the corresponding von Neumann algebras. When the foliation is endowed with a holonomy invariant transverse measure, we explain the compatibility of various traces and determinants. We extend Atiyah's index theorem on Galois coverings to these foliations. We define a foliated rho-invariant and investigate its stability properties for the signature operator. Finally, we establish the foliated homotopy invariance of such a signature rho-invariant under a Baum-Connes assumption, thus extending to the foliated context results proved by Neumann, Mathai, Weinberger and Keswani on Galois coverings.
A symbol calculus for foliations
Moulay Tahar Benameur,L. James Heitsch
Mathematics , 2015,
Abstract: The classical Getzler rescaling theorem is extended to the transverse geometry of foliations. More precisely, a Getzler rescaling calculus, as well as a Block-Fox calculus of asymptotic operators, is constructed for all transversely spin foliations. This calculus applies to operators of degree $m$ globally times degree $\ell$ in the leaf directions, and is thus an appropriate tool for a better understanding of the index theory of transversely elliptic operators on foliations. The main result is that the composition of A$\Psi$DOs is again an A$\Psi$DO, and includes a formula for the leading symbol.

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